Brandon Youth Centre – Four Years – Three Murders – Only open 2 Hours per Week…..

The Brandon estate has a wealth of community space, but it appears to still be a mismanaged resource. We filmed the Brandon Youth Centre (one of only three in Southwark) for seven consecutive days, and the space only appears to be operational for 2 hours per week, on a Friday evening. Please see the videos below taken in the last week in March 2020.

Our problems are exacerbated by the fact that we are having anti-social behaviour issues with groups of youths hanging about the closed youth centre in the shopping parade, smoking cannabis & terrorising residents on mopeds & e-scooters. All this taking place outside a closed youth centre.

Four years, Three murders – What do we need to do to get our elected representative to take this matter seriously, and bring the Brandon Youth Centre back into use?

Please see the videos below taken in the last week in March 2020, clearly showing the Brandon Youth Centre, with the lights out. The only exception was on Fridays when a session is run there.

Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Thursday 24th March 2022

Friday 25th March 2022

Saturday 26th March 2022

Sunday 27th March 2022

Monday 28th March 2022